Friday, September 11, 2015

What is Our Purpose in Life?

What is our purpose in life?

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That is the million dollar that people have been asking themselves for centuries! Philosophers and teachers have been arguing and debating this one question coming up with many different answers!

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So what is our purpose here? We have to be breathing for a reason...right?? I sure hope so!

Is it to have the coolest job? Have the most money? Have many fans and friends? Have the best kids? Or is it to find true love?

Is our purpose in life to have great success???

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Many people believe that success is our sole purpose in life! Wow....I would definitely be failing in life then...just saying!!

But once you get to the end of your life does money, love, jobs, house, etc really matter?

As believers we live for something so, so much more!

We live for Christ!!

Which, can I just say, is the greatest honor given to mankind?!?

God created us in the very beginning of time to glorify and praise Him!

We live for something greater than ourselves! Sure, we think that we are pretty great and that living for ourselves wouldn't be so bad, but it is so pointless!!!

Can you take success, money, fame, friends, and family with you once to die? We would like to think we could...but we can't!

So glorifying God is the number one purpose of life!!

It honestly just makes sense that we should worship and glorify the very being that created and brought us to life!!!!

Spreading the gospel to unbelievers is another one of our purposes in life!!

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God commanded us to share the gospel!!! And why wouldn't we want to??

If you know something exciting and it has drastically changed your life don't you want to share it with everyone?? Sure!! It is something exciting and important to you and you just want everyone else to share in the excitement!!
For found your soul-mate...the love of your life!!! You are so excited and happy that you just want everyone else around you happy too... so you try to match up your friends and make them happy!!!

How is that any different than wanting to share God's love and redemption story with everyone around? Except for the fact that a person's eternal salvation is on the line, while match-making friends isn't!!

Our purpose in life is to glorify God and share the gospel!!! Not too hard right?? Hahaha... if only our own selfish desires didn't get in the way... right?

Friday, September 4, 2015

Challenges for Young Adults

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I was recently asked...what the hardest thing was about being a young adult.

Oh, boy did I have a list!

I'm 17 years old (almost 18...give me a month!!) and a freshman in college.

One of the hardest things for me is...

the transition period from childhood and adulthood.

For example, in many areas of my life I am treated like an adult, given my age. While I make my own decisions, work, and go to college, etc...I still am under my parent's authority and must listen when they tell me to do something.

That transition time is extremely awkward and very confusing! You are being treated like and adult one minute and then treated like a child the next!

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While this transition is necessary, it can be very hard and annoying.

Another challenging thing...


Insecurity is rampant among children and teens, but I think it is just as bad in young adults because of this awkward crossroads stage. They don't really know what they want to do, where they fit in, etc.

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I can totally sympathize and relate to that!

Lastly, balancing all aspect of life....meaning, balancing social, academic, work, hobbies, etc....all those things are important, but trying to balance it all is the real problem. You only have so many hours, minutes, and seconds in a day to fit family, friends, homework, hobbies, and work!! It can be pretty stressful!!!!

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Those are just a few things that I personally think are the hardest for young adults!! Of course, those aren't the only hard things that we go through, but they were the first ones to come to mind and I think some of the biggest!!
