Sunday, February 15, 2015

Valentines Day Twist

I know, I know...I'm a day late. The love holiday was my defense I wrote this yesterday, but just didn't finish editing until today! Sorry!

I was thinking about a good Valentines Day topic that wasn't all mushy or that wasn't about how to be single and survive February 14th! I have been reading this book called "Redeeming Love" by Francine Rivers and it is a fictional, more modern version of the Old Testament Bible story about the prophet Hosea and his love story with a prostitute named Gomer. I also just finished reading Jefferson Bethke's book, "Jesus> Religion" and he used the same analogy that I thought of when I read "Redeeming Love"!

I think this Bible story is one of the greatest love stories....except for one (we will talk about this later)! (The book of Hosea)

*********Here is a narrative story about Hosea and Gomer told by yours truly! ***********
Here is a well to-do, man of God. He was a prophet, which meant God used him to reach His people, whether it was to encourage them or correct them! Either way, this man was extremely important!
God told him, Hosea to marry a prostitute woman named Gomer. I think I'm safe to think that Hosea was probably in shock....who wouldn't be? A good, righteous man, marry a prostitute? Come on! Is this how God rewards His faithful followers? But, this upstanding man did what God told him to do...he married her!

But....this story doesn't end like you would think! Hosea and Gomer didn't have a happily ever after!

Gomer continued to run back into prostitution, away from a man who loved her and could give her what she wanted and needed!

Hosea even bought his wife back from slavery! He pursued her even when he was humiliated, and angry.


Because God told him to! (A good enough reason, I think...God can see the big picture!) I'm sure it was hard to love her, but because God told him to do this.... Hosea obeyed!

You see.... it think this love story is so great because it is isn't a fairytale, it doesn't sugar coat the whole 'love' thing! 

I don't know if Gomer ever remains with Hosea, of if she kept running away, the Bible doesn't really say.


Remember I said that there was a greater love story than even this one? Here it is God's relationship with us! No, it isn't weird that a great, heavenly being loves us....

 Guess who we are though....we are Gomer. Startling I know! I will give you some time to process this.....( confession...I need time to process this so I can write it....)


Okay, now that we are ready to move on, here we go! 

Think of God as Hosea (granted, Hosea wasn't God , but bear with me!) and think of us...human beings, as Gomer- the prostitute. 

Just as Hosea pursued Gomer even after she kept going back into prostitution, so does God keep pursing us, loving us, and wanting us to be with him eternally! 

Hosea wasn't perfect. I'm sure he got tired of chasing after her; I'm sure he hated her; I'm sure he got angry that she couldn't just be thankful that she had all her needs taken care of; and I'm sure he questioned God on why He was making his faithful servant go through all this pain and hurt! 

But imagine being loved and pursued by a someone who is ultimately perfect! 

So here is my Valentines day post!!

Love you all!! 
