Monday, December 28, 2015

Looking Back Over 2015

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New Years....a time where people reflect on the past year and look forward to the future year by making resolutions on how to be a better person as a whole! (Though people rarely complete them!)

I guess it's my turn!

This year has been one of my craziest years! It's been up and down, side to side, stretched, and pulled! Parts of it have been amazing and other parts have not! I have had spiritual highs and spiritual lows! I have had amazing relationships and I have had terrible ones! I have had expectations met and my expectations destroyed! Believe me, it's been a crazy year!

The things I have learned from this year are, however, the most important.

I have learned that every relationship is either a blessing or a chance to learn. I have had a couple dangerous and bad relationships, mostly at the beginning of the year, and have learned that I tend to settle for relationships too quickly before really thinking them through! But, I have had some AMAZING relationships this year and learned that real love is worth fighting for!

I have learned that even in the rain and storms the sun still shines. Our trials suck, but it is in the valleys that we truly depend on Christ and see him work! It just makes us appreciate how great He is in the good, easy times!

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Since I tend to plan my life out, I learned that my plan and way of doing things isn't always the best or smartest! Sometimes people have more wisdom than I do and can point me to where I should be going! God definitely sees the big picture, while we only see the little part we are working on!

Family is the most important thing (after God, obviously...pretty sure it goes without saying). These people are blood....well some of my family is.....anyway.....they will be there for you no matter how much you mess up and how badly you treat them! While boyfriends/girlfriends, friends, and mentors will move in and out of your life, family will always be there! Even if you give up on them, they will NEVER give up on you...even if you beg them to! (Been there done that! Trust me they are in it for the long haul no matter how much you beg!)

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Relationships are hard! Whether it be your parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins, friends, or boyfriend/girlfriends, they are all hard! While they are all extremely important, they require a ton of work and are hard! Two sinners interacting....yep it's hard to think about the other person more than yourself!

Remembering that living for the future is better than just in the present. Present happiness wont be the best, look to further God's kingdom...that is the ultimate goal! Yes, the present if fun and exciting, but the future is even better!!!!

Well...those are the highlights! There are so much more, but I could't possibly fit them all!

Good luck on those New Year's resolutions! I pray that this will be the year that you actually complete them!

With Love,

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