So I asked on my personal Facebook page if some people would impart some words of wisdom to the younger generation and for everybody else!!
Here are some of the responses I got!
1) The choices and habits that you make now will not magically disappear once you reach adulthood! As the saying goes..."Old habits, die hard!"
2) This is sort of related to #1....get in the habit of reading your Bible! It doesn't get any easier as an adult! And it is one of the most important things in your life
3) Sometimes , the most valuable lessons aren't taught within the walls of a classroom!
4) "Always speak up for those who can't speak for themselves, always stand up for those weaker than you, and all it takes for evil to prosper is for a good man to do nothing!" Thank you Edmund Burke for some inspiring words!
5) You will learn and observe many things in life...especially in the college make sure to constantly analyze and reevaluate everything and to take it back to the Bible to evaluate it's truth!
6) Travel now and see as much as you can!! The older you get...the busier you get! So do it now when you have the time AND the energy!
7) Start saving for retirement now! A $100 or two each month starting as soon as possible will cause you to be able to live comfortably later on when you retire!
8) Read history!I can't tell you how many times history has repeated itself! You would think that if it happened once already we would learn from our mistakes...but no! "You can never make the same mistake twice, because the second time you make it, it's not a's a choice."
9) Make time to serve others every week! No matter how small the act of service is to someone, it can still make a difference!
10) You can't change a person!!! I can't tell you how many times I have heard people say that! It is impossible to change a person...there is only one who can change a person's heart and the is Christ! He can change their hearts, causing them to change the way the view life act!
11) Be Authentic and be yourself! Nuff said!
12) Eliminate 'friends' who tear you down, don't respect you, and are all around a bad influence! The people you hangout with is the they type of person you will eventually become! Surround yourself with people who constantly build you up, encourage you, respect you, want to love life with you, and will constantly push you past your limits!
13) People are always watching and listening to what you say and do so make sure that you are always speaking what is true and good and acting like a true follower of Christ!
14) Challenge yourself!
15) Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone: The comfort zone is...well...comfortable! We like to stay there because when we step outside of it we feel scared and insecure and I don't know if there is a single person who likes to feel awkward or scared! I know I don't! However, God speaks to us and reveals things to us when we are most scared or insecure! I know that when I grew most, spiritually, it was when I was fully outside of my comfort zone! I was scared and had to fully rely on Christ, which allowed him to show me things up close and personal!