Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Forgetting God

Tuesday’s are crazy for me! From 9:25am – 8:30pm I am running around like a mad woman trying to get to college, co-op, my sister’s gymnastics, LASOS (where I tutor Hispanic children) and finally piano lessons. Whew, I’m worn out just typing it! I don’t know about you, but my school work and social activities consume me! I’m always running from place to place, class to homework! Yes, it’s consuming.

 I recently realized that I was leaving something crucial out of my day. Something that I had been forgetting for weeks now! It was something that should be in the front of my mind every second of the day. I was not spending time in prayer or reading the Bible. What worries me more is that it took a couple weeks of this before actually realizing this! I knew what was supposed to be the most important part of my day, but clearly I didn’t really believe it! If I believed it, spending time with my heavenly Father would be first in my mind, not several weeks after!

 So how do we put God first? 

First of all there has to be a heart change before anything is actually going to happen. I had to pray and ask Jesus to give me a desire to spend time with him because I honestly didn’t want to give up my free time for him. I thought of a couple of my best friends and realized that if they had called or texted me, wanting  me to spend time with them, I would have dropped what I was doing and gone to hang out (except if I was doing school….sorry guys!). I realized I didn’t have that same relationship with Jesus… He was kind of on the back burner and that wasn’t how it was supposed to be!

 So I asked God for a heart change and He did. He gave me a desire to spend time with Him! Now that I had that desire, I just had to do it!

 I decided I needed a set time with Him in the beginning. I’m not saying that I was carving a spot for God out of MY busy schedule-Not saying that at all! I just needed a time that would hold me accountable. Since I am a schedule person, it helped me remember. I don’t have a set time that I do my quiet time, but I do it in the morning before the craziness begins. I feel like doing it in the morning helps me get a right attitude before a day starts! 

So that is what has been going through my head lately and I thought I would share!! Have a great day guys!!!


  1. All so true! We definitely need to pray for the desire and hunger for His Word when we do not have it. We can also ask friends for help in remembering and keeping us accountable. Just a simple text of "Hey, what did you read in the Bible today?" or "What have you read recently that really changed your way of thinking or challenged you in God's Word?" God gives us others to walk this journey of faith with.

    1. Great thoughts Jessie!! Accountability is awesome!! Thank you!!
