Thursday, October 9, 2014

Taking in The World Through New Eyes

The grocery store was busy for a Wednesday afternoon. People buzzed in and out of the aisles. As I stood there, waiting for my mom to hurry up her shopping, I watched these busy people. I looked at their clothing, and their external features. I watched how they walked, how they priced each article of food to make the large amount of things they wanted fit into their shrinking budget.

 Suddenly a light bulb went off in my head, not a dim one, but a bright white light.
 God spoke to me right then and there
 Guess what He told me;

He told me to look deeper than just the outside. He told me to look at their heart not their external features. I saw these people with hearts as black as coal. Just like mine was until Jesus Christ changed it and made it sparkle like snow.

He showed me that these people, who didn’t have Jesus, were going to go to Hell, unless someone told them about the love of Jesus.

As Christians that is our call.

Matthew 28:19 says “Go therefore and make disciple of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”

This time when I looked around I saw people who needed Jesus desperately just like I still do.
My eyes didn’t change, but my view and the way I looked at the world did.

My question for you is, how do you see people? When you look at someone ask yourself “This person could be destined to hell and I could, through the power of the Holy Spirit, stop this, but will I make the move to do it?”

Brandon Heath- Give Me Your Eyes


  1. So true! I keep telling myself that I am going to get on a regular grocery shopping schedule and start going to the same cashier to see what kind of relationship could be made…. I needed this reminder to live with intentionality!!!

  2. I was really convicted by this too! I realized that in the mundane things we can be sharing our faith! not only through our words, but trough our actions as well!
