Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Finding the Light in Singleness

 I don’t really feel adequate writing on this topic, but it is something that I struggled, and still struggle with! I’m not a 26 year old where this is something that actually is a big issue, but I think I still have about the same thought process!

I cringe at the word singleness! Ugg, that word! Just, uggg! Okay I'm done! When I think of the word single I think of an old maid…. someone I would rather not be! No offense my old maid friends!

 I don't know about you (you meaning my single friends!), but I want to settle down and get married (when I’m old enough obviously!) I have had that dream for as long as I can remember! I have my wedding planned out, kid's names picked, dream home decorated…..etc!

Getting married and having that strong handsome prince charming is something that our society has…hmmm, exalted. Think of all those Disney princess movies that we girls (and guys…I’m talking to you too!!)  watched and re-watched when we were little! (*confession* I still watch them!)  

Hollywood has drilled the fact that in order to be happy or have a Happy Ever After… we must have a boyfriend or girlfriend! I hate to break it to you my friends, but though I have never had a boyfriend I can tell you that they can’t make you completely happy! They will let you down; break your heart, and a lot of other stuff! There is only one who can truly satisfy that craving for love and that is our Beloved Creator, Redeemer, Jesus Christ!

I digress…

I have struggled in the past with feelings of discontent because many of my friends around me were getting ‘asked out’, or dating, and none of that had ever happened to me! That really bothered me! It bothered me so much that it consumed me!
I felt sad and gave up hope that I would ever get married and be able to use those names for my kids, or decorate my dream house!

A little extreme and ridiculous? Yeah I would agree!

Those feelings were of someone who had not yet been satisfied in the point of life that God had put them in! Yeah that was me!

I can't remember the point in where God actually showed me this... whether it was book I read, a blog post, or a conversation with someone. But that is beside the point! The point is, God worked in that moment. He basically told me that I wasn’t letting Him be enough. I didn't trust Him! I was trying to take matters into my own hands and making a mess of my own heart in the process! (Now I know why we aren't center of our universe...because we really screw this thing up!)

It is super hard! I'm not denying that! Trust me I struggle with this every single day! So don't think for a minute that I am saying this is a piece of cake!

When I started to view my current singleness as a blessing, I began to think...Wow, this whole singleness thing is actually pretty cool!!! I can focus on the passions and gifts that God has given to me, I can be open to how God wants me to further his kingdom, and say yes to the opportunities that may arise out of the blue!

My friends...being married is a beautiful thing (at least I'm assuming it is! I'm not really knowledgeable in that department), but God created singleness too! He gave us a time to do everything that we want to do (those things we want to do should be what God wants us to do....just saying!) before we are having to provide for and take care of a family!

These single years are an amazing blessing my friends!!!!!



  1. Awesome post. Definitely all things that girls need to hear regardless of our age. Even when you are married and finally living "the dream", the struggle with contentment and Christ truly being enough is no easier. It is something I struggled with in singleness and still struggle with in marriage just in different ways. Love you girl! Keep fighting the fight and living out your faith!

  2. Thanks Jessie!! I really miss talking to you each Sunday!
