Friday, June 12, 2015

Behind The Line Of Fire

**Warning...this post is not a light-hearted one!!**

"Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted." 2 Timothy 3:12

Here are some facts about persecution....

Each month:
-322 Christians are killed for their faith
-214 Churches and Christian properties are destroyed
-772 Forms of violence are committed against Christians (such as beatings, abductions, rapes, arrests, and forced marriages) 


So, from these statistics...I think we can gather that Christian persecution still exists today!

No, it is not just an old biblical thing.

The thing that really sparked the idea for this post actually happened about a month an a half ago! Oh well, I needed time to really think and pray about this one!

Image result for female spies in wonderful grandmother, knowing how much I love the World War 2 era and any kind of spy...thing, took me to a presentation about Female spies during WWII! It was amazing!
I got to hear about all of these strong women, dedicated to their country and their mission!
I think I aspire to be like them after hearing some of their stories!

What really hit me was the fact that these women carried out their mission to the very end! Even if it meant having to sacrifice their life!

I was just so inspired by that! The fact that they kept going, even if their cover was blown!

I was thinking about this in relation to my own life...How does what they did apply to me? Right the 21st century....for a 17 year old...or for anyone for that matter!

Well...I began to think....this could really relate to persecution!

I began to think of all the people in the various countries being held in prison, tortured, and the such, all because they refuse to denounce Jesus Christ as their Savior and turn their back on Him! They are the true heroes in my opinion!

They are there, never swaying from what they believe in, fighting the good fight! These Christians are dedicating their life to sharing the Gospel.

I have read stories of persecuted Christians that actually witness to their persecutors! They are that in love with Jesus that they want EVERYONE to know about His love, and grace!

We all face some kind f persecution in one way or another! Sure, in America we are not publicly persecuted, but we can be in little ways!

So what can we do with our persecutions?

Well we can start by praying for faith and perseverance just like our brothers and sisters in the other countries!
Christ will give us strength to get through anything! No matter the struggle!

What can we do about our brothers and sisters that are getting tortured and imprisoned for their beliefs?  

There is this amazing website called Voice of the Martyrs that is helping these people in tangible ways! Not to mention they give you personal things that you can pray for!

Well that's it folks! Sorry for taking so long to get this out!! I kept rewriting it because it never sounded right! is the 4th Edition!!


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