Monday, June 29, 2015

Loving When It's Hard

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Love is hard!

Love is patient
Love is kind
Love does not envy or boast
Love is not arrogant
Love is not rude
Love does not insist on its own way
Love doesn't rejoice at the wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth
Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
(paraphrased from 1 Corinthians 13:4-8)

When we say the word 'love' what is the image that comes to your mind?

Typically we see something like this....

Image result for boy and girl in love
A romantic relationship between two people.

Just to be clear, I'm not talking about romantic interests in this post! That shall be for a different post one day!
No, this post is about loving when it's hard (in case you didn't catch that from the title!!) like...loving your enemies; the people that dislike you and bully you!

Now, I have never been bullied ever! In fact I have pretty much always been the more popular kid...or at least liked by the majority of the group!

So when I started working I fully expected to be liked...or at the very least...tolerated! Well, one of my co-workers in particular absolutely hated me...and still does! She  gossiped behind my back (not very well though...because I could normally hear this person), said nasty things to my face, tried to make me fail and make things harder for me, etc! It was extremely eye opening and extremely hurtful! Thankfully friends at work told me to brush it off and not let it get to me! They continued to build me up and encourage me, which really helped!

When this person started bullying me, I was angry (I still am sometimes)! I wanted to retaliate ( I still do sometimes!)! When I told my parents just how nasty this person was being, they encouraged me to love her and befriend her because she is clearly hurting and feels insecure in herself. I realized that God has placed her in my life for a reason. And since my sole purpose on this earth is to glorify god and share the gospel....I'm thinking that showing Christ's love is my answer! I felt inspired...I thought, "I'm going to love her, just like Christ loved(s) me! When she says hateful things , I'm going to respond with encouragement!" I went into work the next day feeling ready for whatever this girl might throw at me! And then it happened...she said something very hurtful....and I messed up, it was something small...I can't really remember, but that mistake lead to a string of nasty words and hateful looks! Without a second thought, adrenaline and anger running thorough my veins...I responded...perfectly, I might add if my goal was to be just as nasty as this girl!

Right after I said those words, I wished I could take them back, I remembered my goal and love her and show her Christ's love! Yeah I blew that one! I debated on whether or not to apologize, after all my response was totally justifiable and I had a right to feel that way! However, I started to feel guilty so I had to put my pride aside and apologize.

After apologizing and trying to purposefully treat her with still hasn't changed her attitude or ways, but one day I pray that God will use this very messed up sacrifice of love to bring her to Himself!

I certainly don't do things perfectly! I could certainly treat her with more love and kindness! Her words still hurt and sting, but this is where God has me right now and He will give me the strength and patience and love to get through it!

View your bullies and enemies as your mission-field! Show Christ's love to them even when it's hard and trust will be VERY hard!

Hope this encouraged you guys!!
I love you all!
Keep walking the straight and narrow!

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