Friday, July 3, 2015

All About Me...Round 2

So I did an 'All About Me' post when I first started blogging, but that has been quite a few months ago!! Not that I, personally, have's just that I have new people viewing my blog and all honesty...who doesn't like talking about themselves?

Ahem...I just said that...whoops...

Okay...moving on!

Actually...I don't really have anything big right now to share with you all so I had to do something!! Anything!!

So, I thought I would find some 'get to know you' questions and answer them! I just picked these questions randomly so I'm not really sure what all I got!!

Okay so first things first..Some important and random things about me...

I'm 17 and 9 months and my favorite color is blue (really random, I know...I just feel like that is one of the first things that people ask you!) ....I just graduated High School and am continuing my education in Nursing...ummm, even though I'm going into Nursing my dream job would to probably be a stunt driver...I LOVE the thrill! (I'm a safe driver though...don't worry!!)

Now to the questions!
1) If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Hmmmmm, such a hard question...I want to go everywhere!! I guess if I had to pick one place it would probably be India!

Look at that!! Who wouldn't want to go there! I think their culture is so fascinating! So if I had to pick ONE place...India it would be! 

2) Who, in the United States do you think has the coolest job? Why? 

Okay, so I guess I have two totally serious the other...more fun
I think the coolest job that someone could possibly have would be our missionaries! Day in and day out they are doing the Lord's work, bringing people to Christ! To me...that is the coolest thing ever!! So I guess we are all missionaries in a sense...sharing the gospel with everyone we come into contact with! At least, that's how it should be! ;)

The second answer to that question I think would be our special ops (Seals, Delta, etc)...with my brother wanting to go into that kind of field I hear about the kind of stuff they do ALL THE TIME!!! Super cool! 

3) What do you think is the most dangerous thing for a teenager and why? 
 Image result for teenager

Woah...this question is going deep!! I think one of the most dangerous things for a teenager would be our lack of confidence in both our abilities and ourselves! I think so many problems would be solved if we weren't so scared to show or act on our God given abilities! 

4) What qualities do you look for in a friend? 
 Image result for Friendship
-someone who puts in as much in for the friendship as I do!
-someone who has the same morals
-someone who has about the same goals in life

5) Where do I see myself in 10 years? 

Let's see...I would be 27....
I guess I could see myself working in a Shock Trauma or ER setting at a local hospital. God-willing I would be married and have a couple kids! 

6) What are the top 5 things you like to do?
-Hang out with friends doing pretty much anything! As long as I am with people...I don't care!
-Pretty much anything active, hiking, exercising, sports (I'm REALLY bad at all of them though)
-and taking pictures

7) One favorite quote

Seriously?!?! Just one!! I have a whole book of my favorite quotes!! 
If I have to pick just would be ....

"People are often unreasonable and self-centered. Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. Be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies. Succeed anyway. What you spend years building someone can destroy overnight. Build anyway. If you are hones people may cheat you. Be honest anyway. If you find happiness, people may be jealous, Be happy anyway. The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway. Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough. Give your best anyway. For you see, in the end, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway."- Mother Theresa

She was an amazing woman and did amazing work in India! 

Image result for mother teresa
8) What did you do growing up that got you into trouble?

 Ugg I always got into trouble! I probably got into the most trouble for my back-talking...I was and still am a sassy one! 

9) What do you miss most abut being a kid? 
 Image result for carefree childhood
I miss not being worried or stressed about anything and having quite the imagination!  I mean I still do...but if I played the same things that I did when I was 8 I would probably be put into a mental institution!

Last Question!!

10) What has been your biggest success so far? 

I think those words that Paul wrote to Timothy in 1 Timothy 4:12

12 Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.

have really rung true in my life! Learning to do hard things and not let the cliche...teenagers are incapable of doing anything ring true for my life has been a big thing! 
I went to a conference a long time ago (like 7 years ago)...the conference was called Do Hard Things and it was all about rebelling against the low expectations that society has for us teens! It was a life changer! That was when God pushed me outside of my comfort zone by raising money/running a 5K, going on multiple mission trips and planning a benefit concert for orphan awareness! 
So I would say, God pushing me out of my comfort zone has created some of the best memories and my greatest successes!!

Well that's it friends! Hopefully you got to know me a little better!! If you have any questions for me comment below, shoot me a message or post on my facebook page! 
Love you all! 


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