Tuesday, June 9, 2015


Image result for neverland

 This afternoon I was helping my younger brother clean up and tidy our woods garden, aka the large open space in our woods that butts right up against our yard...don't ask me why it's called garden...nothing grows in there- hence the large open space!

There is a large tree house right in the middle of it with a collection of old broken toys and furniture that has all been used for a multitude of things; pirate ship, house, farm, hospital, etc! Things, meaning toys and furniture, had gotten a little out of hand recently, and since my graduation party is this weekend, I decided that the stuff must get cleaned up!

Now, I'm 17 years old and have not played out there for several years.

As we were cleaning things up I would pick up an old toy and old memories would flood into my mind. I remembered the carefree, and somewhat child I was, up in that tree house being whoever I wanted to be!

I stood there for a moment letting the sweet memories sweep over me.

I suddenly felt a longing to be 10 again pretending to be a nurse. Not having to think about the grades or long years of studying it would take for me to become one!

I wanted to be young, innocent, and without all the stress that life has bogged me down with.  I don't want to have to worry about school, grades, money, relationships, time, etc!

Why, oh why did I wish those years away to get to where I am now? There is nothing glorious about it!

And then I realized...I didn't wish those years away...it happened naturally and over time. I was bound to turn 17-18 eventually! And I had a fun childhood! I wouldn't really change it at all!

And being a teenager has many blessings that as a child, I didn't have!

Like having more freedom, being able to drive ( that's a big one!), having more responsibility, having more say over your life, making decisions YOU want to make, being old enough to be in relationships, and so many more things!

So, I guess my main point in this is...be content in the stage of life you are in! They all have their pro's and con's! It's just what you choose to focus on! 

Well that's it folks!! I'm working on a big post right now...I've been struggling with it, but hope to have it out soon! 



  1. I saw this post on Facebook and I saw the title NeverLand. I'm not gonna lie my first thought was, yes she was listening to NeverLand by Andy Mineo and had a thought. Sadly that was not the case, but I have to say this thought really hit me. It made me realize maybe I just need to start being satisfied with the stage of life I'm in.

    1. Hahaha! Sorry for your disappointment! At least it got you to read it!! I know!! It was really convicting for me!! I am not always content in the stage that I am in!

  2. Caitlin!! I saw this post titled Neverland and thought YES someone finally wrote about this!! I miss being seven and you being ten and playing and playing and playing. I miss Neverland ;) I've been thinking about this alot too. It was beautiful <3 thanks for the post !!!

    1. hahaha! I thought of you when I titled it! Ahhh our love for Peter Pan!!:) I know I miss it too! But I am also really enjoying this stage that we are in too!! Of course! I'm glad you enjoyed it!
